Some people wonder if they are a "messie" or a "cleanie." Well, I can speak from experience about the first one. Here's how to tell if you're a "messie":
In cleaning up for company (such as for a big holiday like Thanksgiving), do you ever find yourself saying something like the following:
"I'll just hide all this junk in the office/basement/spare bedroom until after the company leaves."
"I can't remember the last time I've cleaned this surface."
"I'm so worried I won't get this all done before the company comes."
"They'll be here in a half an hour, and I still have to . . . "
"Cooking? That's not the issue here. It's the CLEANING!"
After the event, do you find yourself saying something like the following:
"Whew! Now I won't need to clean again for a long time."
"I can't believe it's starting to look cluttered again."