Click on the pictures for a closer view.I'm curious. Do other communities have flocks of waterfowl that don't fly south for the winter? We have a large flock of semi-tame ducks and geese that never fly south. Some have said it's because they are fed too much white bread by park visitors, so they are too fat to fly south. Possibly it's because they get so much "free food" that they see no need to leave. At any rate, they spend their time flying back and forth between the variou
s ponds and lakes in the city all winter long.

We have a creek here named Salt Creek that actually has salt water. That means it doesn't freeze at all during the winter. That is an added treat for the silly waterfowl that stick around. They actually get water to swim in, instead of sitting on top of the ice, like they would in the other bodies of water around town, which freeze at least sporadically all winter. It's so strange to see so many geese in a creek.
The bottom picture is cropped to give you an idea of the size of the flock. I can't tell for sure, but I estimate there are several hundred.
Any comments? I'd love to hear if other communities have flocks like this.