Whenever I meet people who like math, I have one
question: WHY????? I ask that question because I honestly can’t
understand why ANYONE would like math.
Often the reply is, “Because there is only one right answer.”
And I respond, “Why is that a good thing?”
Having only one right answer means there’s no room for
creativity, no room for expressing your own ideas, no room for “good, better
and best.” And it also means that any
other answer is WRONG.
Is getting the right answer all that matters? If so, I blame the school system, which
emphasizes tests over creativity and learning.
I prefer subjects that have many right answers—that have
room for growth. Give me a good essay
question over a math equation any day.
In all my years of asking people why they like math, I HAVE
gotten a few good answers. One woman said math is like a puzzle to be
solved. I get that. In fact, the few “mathy” things I like are
logic puzzles and the game Mastermind.
(But I hate chess.) My favorite
game, Scrabble, has some math components to it. In fact, math people make the
best Scrabble players. (NOTE: While I’m a good Scrabble player, I will
never win a tournament.)
The best answer came from a math professor who teaches at a
small college in South Dakota. He
visited our contra dance group, and he described how contra dancing is actually
very mathematical. During a particularly
intricate dance, he smiled and said, “This is neat.” He explained that he was planning on giving
his students an option: take the final or write a contra dance. I liked that.
When I asked him why he liked math, he answered with two
words: “It’s beautiful.”
That’s an answer I can accept. Math is not beautiful to me. I find much more beauty in a well-written
poem, a creative painting or a plaintive ballad. But I can accept that math is beautiful to