Monday, February 9, 2009

Riddle #42: over thirty foreign countries

Here's the next riddle:

An ordinary American citizen, with no passport, visits over thirty foreign countries in one day. He is welcomed in each country and leaves each one of his own accord.

The correct answer has been guessed. To read it, see the comments section.

Lateral Thinking Puzzlers by Paul Sloane has lots of classic riddles, clues and answers. Click here to order it.

Lateral Thinking Puzzlers by Paul Sloane has lots of classic riddles, clues and answers. Click here to order it.


  1. Ancient Greek Philosopher -- yes, he visits the countries in person.
    Old Fashioned Liberal -- No, he is not in Antarctica.

  2. Is he visiting the offices of foreign Ambassadors in America? He would technically be on foreign soil.

  3. Yes,Halfmask, you are right. The embassies (ambassador's offices) are technically foreign countries. The man was a mail carrier and he delivered mail to all the embassies in Washington, D.C.
