Thursday, May 30, 2013

Update on Meditation and My Blood Pressure

In my previous post, I shared how slow breathing, or meditation, can lower blood pressure, with or without using "helps," such as CDs, podcasts or the famous (and expensive) RESPeRATE machine.

After I started practicing slow breathing/meditation, I found my blood pressure readings becoming consistently lower. When I saw my doctor, she gave me surprising and happy news:  She said I could try going OFF the blood pressure medicine to see how I do. "Most people just want drugs, so that's what I give them," she explained.  "But if you're willing to use other methods, I'm willing to work with you." It was refreshing to hear that from a doctor.

It's been almost two weeks now without the med, and so far my blood pressure has been stable.  A few times it has been a little bit above normal, but ten minutes of meditating will almost always bring it down.  Here are some examples:

Before meditating: 130/93. After meditating: 115/79
Before meditating: 128/90. After meditating:  114/80

What's even more exciting is that usually when I take my blood pressure without meditating, it gives me a completely normal reading, such as 117/77 or 118/84.  I haven't seen readings like that for over a year.

I've also varied the way I use the Jesus prayer in my meditation.  Sometimes I use the shortened form of the prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me."  I say it silently once as I inhale slowly and once as I exhale slowly.  I usually do about eight breaths per minute.

Meditative prayer has also greatly relieved my anxiety and depression.  I believe as I continue to practice it, I will notice other  health benefits as well.

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